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Welcome to Elite Stretch Therapy Massage and Recovery!


In practice since 1998, my massage and bodywork practice has evolved in Elite Stretch Therapy. My approach blends disciplines of many amazing teachers and 20 years of hands on experience into a truly potent skill set.  At EST, I  specialize in the use of massage and stretch therapy to assist you in recovery from workouts and injury.  No matter your activity level, weekend warrior to the elite, my work can decrease your pain, increase strength, stamina and flexibility.

Not an athlete? Don't worry, you still can benefit from either stretch therapy or a massage. My bodywork is very medical based and my experience and diverse approach can help anybody with headaches, strains, sprains, spasms and those pesky knots wherever they may be.  So just because you don't compete every weekend, I know you want to perform your best and feel your best in whatever you do. Everyone can benefit from a stretch and a massage.

Book your session today. Chances are, you will be amazed.

Want to know more? Please send me an email or give me a call and I will be happy to answer any questions that you may have about myself or my practice.

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3148 Southgate Circle #5
Sarasota, FL 34239

MA#97717   ME#11657

Elite Stretch Therapy Massage & Recovery


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